Monday, June 28, 2010

Strawberry Jam

Last Monday I got the chance to make Strawberry Jam with my Mother-in-law. She's the master canner and even has a canning journal starting in 1979. She has amazing knowledge when it comes to canning. My mom canned a lot but I was young and didn't ever pay attention or care to learn. Well, now that I have my own family, I felt like it was time to learn. It was a lot of fun! Im going to can raspberry jam next and then in August Im going to do pasta sauce. I will keep you posted on how I do totally on my own......


  1. that looks a lot prettier than the freezer jam I did last week! I'll be posting mine soon too. Good job Stacy!

  2. That is a ton of jam wow. I make my own every year but don't really find it sooo enjoyable. Standing by the stove and stirring and stirring. But it is tasty. We don't go through a lot either....

  3. I going to give it away as gifts through out the year. Yes, a lot of stirring but it was my first time so I liked it....not sure about the next time. I also had my mother in law to talk too! =)
